
Why Do Patients Need Vitamin B12 Injections?

Importance of Vitamin B12 Injections | Onyx Medical Aesthetics | Homann Dr. S.E. suite B Lacey, WA

Vitamin B12 shots are today’s modern approach to injections that experts prescribe in treating vitamin B12 deficiencies. These vitamin shots work best, especially for those who have bodies that have difficulty in vitamin absorption. Certain health conditions may cause people with low vitamin B12. Doctors or healthcare providers may suggest either oral supplementations or, in this case, vitamin injections.

Today, we’ll address what vitamin B12 shots are, their importance in maintaining adequate vitamin B12 levels, and the associated benefits and risks of vitamin B12 injections.

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is among the body’s essential vitamins. This vitamin is water-soluble and plays a vital role in many bodily functions that include:

  • red blood cells
  • nerve cells
  • DNA production

Without enough vitamin B12 in our bodies, we may begin feeling weak and tired because of a vitamin deficiency called megaloblastic anemia.

The great news is that vitamin B12 is readily available and present in a lot of dietary sources like:

  • eggs
  • meat
  • fish
  • nutritional yeast
  • dairy products
  • most fortified foods

Vitamin B12 in animal-based foods binds with protein molecules. Every time we digest, our stomach acids cause the separation of these vitamins from proteins. Substances called intrinsic factors to enable our bloodstreams to absorb vitamin B12.

However, others may need vitamin injections after undergoing gastrointestinal surgery when their digestive system cannot efficiently absorb this particular vitamin.

Vitamin B12 Shots –What are They?

Vitamin B12 supplements contain synthetic versions of vitamin B12, also called cyanocobalamin. Practitioners inject vitamin shots into the muscles. If accidentally injected into the veins, our bodies may lose high proportions when we urinate.

Cyanocobalamin is available in liquid, tablet, and capsule forms in today’s market. Particular foods like cereals can be fortified with synthetic vitamin B12.

Who Needs Vitamin B12 Shots?

Vitamin B12 supplements, shots, and injections are only available through prescriptions after undergoing clinical diagnoses of having low vitamin B12 levels. But having low levels are infrequent in most healthy adults since our livers store ample amounts of vitamin B12 over time.

That said, some have higher deficiency risks and may benefit from having vitamin B12 shots or tablets. Here are some instances of those who can benefit from these vitamin supplements:

1. People having symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

People having signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency or pernicious anemia need to consult their doctor or healthcare provider. Signs and symptoms may include:

  • a sore tongue
  • constipation
  • dementia
  • difficulty thinking and remembering
  • fatigue
  • heart palpitations
  • infertility
  • low appetite
  • mood changes
  • numbness and tingling sensation in the hands and feet
  • pale skin
  • weight loss

The following are risk factors that can significantly increase the chances of developing vitamin B12 deficiency:

  • AIDS
  • atrophic gastritis, or inflammation in the stomach
  • celiac disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • following plant-based diets
  • Helicobacter pylori infection
  • hereditary concerns affecting vitamin B12 absorption
  • high alcohol consumption
  • older age
  • pancreatic insufficiency
  • pernicious anemia
  • previous gastrointestinal surgeries

2. People with gastrointestinal concerns

Gastrointestinal tract conditions can potentially affect our bodies’ release or absorption of vitamin B12. These issues include:

  • bowel or pancreatic cancer
  • celiac disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • fish tapeworm infestation
  • folic acid deficiency
  • overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestines
  • pernicious anemia that leads to gastric atrophy or stomach damage

People who have already undergone gastrointestinal surgeries for weight loss may have fewer necessary cells secreting stomach acid and intrinsic factors. This instance may also affect the absorption of vitamin B12.

3. Older adults

One 2015 research suggested vitamin B12 deficiencies are more likely to affect people older than 60 years and may benefit from vitamin B12 injections.

Scientists found that older adults have higher risks of having conditions associated with reduced production of stomach acids like gastric atrophy. Also, low stomach acids enable particular bacterial growth, potentially using up the body’s stored vitamin B12 deposits.

4. Vegetarians and vegans

Since vitamin B12 is primarily derived from most animal foods, those who follow plant-based diets potentially have higher risks of having vitamin B12 deficiencies.

Pregnant vegetarian or vegan women may need to take supplements or consume some fortified foods because vitamin B12 transfers to babies through the placenta and breastfeeding. When infants are entirely breastfed, enough vitamin B12 consumption may not happen. This incident can lead to severe and permanent neurological concerns.

In rare instances, doctors or healthcare providers may suggest injections. However, research recommends taking additional vitamin B12 orally since this option can be as effective as injecting vitamin B12 supplements into the muscle. In addition, it is also much cheaper.

Benefits from Vitamin B12 Shots

Your doctor or healthcare provider may suggest vitamin B12 shots if you are at risk of having deficiencies or complications. Vitamin B12 shots potentially help reduce the risk of having the following conditions:

  • challenges in thinking and memorizing
  • heart disease
  • infertility
  • neural tube defects in children born from parents who are vitamin B12 deficient
  • neurological disorders
  • stroke
  • vision loss

Potential Risks

No upper limits for vitamin B12 intake are followed since the risks of toxicity or overdose are pretty low. However, side effects can still transpire from having vitamin B12 shots. If you are experiencing the following, or if these concerns persist or worsen, you should ask for medical advice for the following:

  • pain, redness, or itching at the injection sites
  • mild cases of diarrhea
  • a swelling sensation felt in the body
  • temporary skin itchiness

Additionally, you may also be a risk of having:

  • anaphylaxis
  • congestive heart failure
  • peripheral vascular thrombosis, involving blood clots
  • polycythemia vera, a type of blood cancer
  • pulmonary edema

If you experience difficulties in breathing, hives, and swelling, you already need emergency medical help. You might be experiencing anaphylaxis, which is a known severe allergic reaction. Make sure vitamin B12 supplements are the right option for you.

Final Thoughts

Most of us get ample amounts of vitamin B12 from our respective diets. But others have deficiencies. These deficiencies can result from having low intrinsic factor levels in their digestive system, having digestive conditions, or following plant-based diets. When your dietary sources are insufficient, your doctor or healthcare provider may suggest vitamin B12 supplementation with the help of pills or injections, greatly based on what causes your deficiency.

Do you want to experience Vitamin B12 shots and injections, especially for your vitamin deficiencies? Our amazing friends at Onyx Medical Aesthetics Spa can help you today. Visit them now! https://onyxmedicalaestheticsspa.com/

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